Friday, August 24, 2007

"Whereas the Civil Rights movement required the activism of a just cause, Katrina requires the activism of a merciful heart.
This kind of compelling opportunity comes along only once in a generation. Right here, right now, this is our moment."
--Seth Barnes, Adventures in Missions

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Page is Turned

It's finally here! Decision made. Adventure started. Chapter begun.

Nearly 5 years after arriving in this great state of Colorado with it's beautiful vistas, I am setting off on September 12 for St. Bernard Parish, Chalmette, LA to work with St. Bernard Project. The views will be drastically different, and I'm not sure that I'm fully prepared for the contrast.

This will be the place that I record "the entire experience" and I hope you will visit often to read my accounts of St. Bernard Parish residents and their post-Katrina journeys of hope and perseverance.

For you CO folks, there's talk of a going away shin-dig, so check back for more details.

I'm honored to be going, yet humbled with the knowledge that I really can't do it alone! I'm counting on lots of visitors!