Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Making the Invisible God, Visible

Some time ago I came across the language, "Making the invisible God, visible."  This phrase kept coming to mind as I read the second chapter of Sacred Marriage.

"He planted marriage among humans as yet another signpost to point to his own eternal, spiritual existence."
"... a word picture of the most important news humans ever received."
As I single person I was a signpost, trying to remember that I represented another infinitely greater than myself, trying to live my life in a way that people would see the Lord's goodness and mercy.  And now, as a married person, that goal remains the same.

"The first purpose in marriage-- is to please God."
"Most of the cases of divorce among Christians... involve two Christians who have distorted their priorities in life."
These statements were extremely convicting for me!  I know both of them to be true, but man, how easy it is to get sidetracked!  I am guilty of getting caught up in the grind--the laundry, the dishes, sweeping so my crawling baby won't put every little thing in her mouth, diapers, more laundry, meals, church, community group, play dates--and forgetting what I should be focused on.  Pleasing the One who rescued me.

God, forgive us for idolizing each other and our marriage. Help us to realign our priorities and keep our eyes set on You.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"The Greatest Challenge in the World"

Three years ago if you had asked me, "What is the greatest challenge in the world?", my response would likely have been something about disaster preparedness or rebuilding New Orleans after Katrina. My life used to be about that... helping families recover and become whole again after their world was swept away in a storm. Louisianians have a very strong sense of family which influenced my husband and I to return home to be with our families when we found out that our Munchkin would be part of our lives.

Now, I'm part of a blogging book study and Chapter 1 of Gary Thomas' book, Sacred Marriage, is entitled, "The Greatest Challenge in the World." Anyone can be married, but what does it mean to have a sacred marriage?

As I was reading this first chapter, four little words came back to haunt me from another book study I did years ago while living in Colorado. "It's not about me." Uggh, my selfishness rears its ugly head... again. The world doesn't actually revolve around ME or MY life at all.

The subtitle of this book is "What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?" This rings true with the imagery we have in the Bible of marriage symbolizing the relationship between Christ and his bride, the church. I'm glad that the author doesn't exclude happiness from the equation completely because the Bible is essentially one giant love story between the Creator God and the people He created. He delights in his people and rejoices over them with singing as it says in Zephaniah 3:17.

This book study also coincides with a study through my church in which we are discussing "heart-idols." How often do I rely on my husband for things that only God can provide? More than I'd like to admit to myself. I don't want to idolize my husband or our marriage, but when I allow the busyness of life to drown out the still, small voice of a God who is whispering His love for me, that's exactly what happens.

I thank God every day for the amazing husband that Karl is and for bringing us together. I pray that participating in this study will force me to take time to be still, reflect, learn and grow into a more godly woman and wife.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Beginning Again

Only a mere 9 months or so has passed since my last post. Yikes! Baby B, our dear, sweet girl has filled our home with more joy than we ever dreamed possible. Annabelle Grace, how much you have changed our lives and how much we love it!

I'm starting this blogging adventure again so that I can participate in a blogging book study. We'll be reading Sacred Marriage and sharing our thoughts. Here's to having more than 13 posts this year!