Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Making the Invisible God, Visible

Some time ago I came across the language, "Making the invisible God, visible."  This phrase kept coming to mind as I read the second chapter of Sacred Marriage.

"He planted marriage among humans as yet another signpost to point to his own eternal, spiritual existence."
"... a word picture of the most important news humans ever received."
As I single person I was a signpost, trying to remember that I represented another infinitely greater than myself, trying to live my life in a way that people would see the Lord's goodness and mercy.  And now, as a married person, that goal remains the same.

"The first purpose in marriage-- is to please God."
"Most of the cases of divorce among Christians... involve two Christians who have distorted their priorities in life."
These statements were extremely convicting for me!  I know both of them to be true, but man, how easy it is to get sidetracked!  I am guilty of getting caught up in the grind--the laundry, the dishes, sweeping so my crawling baby won't put every little thing in her mouth, diapers, more laundry, meals, church, community group, play dates--and forgetting what I should be focused on.  Pleasing the One who rescued me.

God, forgive us for idolizing each other and our marriage. Help us to realign our priorities and keep our eyes set on You.

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